REC English Definition and Meaning

Rec-d dictionary definition

The United States has traditionally taken the position that an American citizen is subject to losing his/her citizenship if he/she commits acts showing l… V. 1) to make reference to a decision in another case to make a legal point in argument. 2) to give notice of being charged with a minor crime and a date for appearance in court to answer the charge rather than being arrested . The principal reason for a court modifying an existing order for the payment of alimony and/or child support.

Such an admission is generally put in writing and then read and signed by the defendant. Rec-d dictionary definition If the defendant cannot read English, he/she has the right to have…

rec’d definition, rec’d meaning | English dictionary

Anticipated earnings which are discounted so that they represent a more realistic current value since projected earnings do not always turn out as favorably as expected or hoped. The original amount paid by investors into a corporation for its issued stock. Capital stock bears no direct relationship to the present value of stock, which can fluctuate after the initial issue or first stock offering. Capital stock also does not reflect the value of corporate assets, which ca… Equipment, property, and funds owned by a business.

The Congressional Record as a Dictionary: Holy Trinity Reconsidered, by Daniel B. Listwa – Yale Journal on Regulation

The Congressional Record as a Dictionary: Holy Trinity Reconsidered, by Daniel B. Listwa.

Posted: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

The proliferation of cotton, pecans and green chile as major agricultural staples owe their progress to the acequia system. Here’s a list of water-related terms that might help you understand our site better.

Statistics for recalcitrance

Sewer–a system of underground pipes that collect and deliver wastewater to treatment facilities or streams. Settling pond –an open lagoon into which wastewater contaminated with solid pollutants is placed and allowed to stand. The solid pollutants suspended in the water sink to the bottom of the lagoon and the liquid is allowed to overflow out of the enclosure. Porosity–a measure of the water-bearing capacity of subsurface rock. For example, clay may have a very high porosity with respect to potential water content, but it constitutes a poor medium as an aquifer because the pores are usually so small. Per capita use–the average amount of water used per person during a standard time period, generally per day. Outfall–the place where a sewer, drain, or stream discharges; the outlet or structure through which reclaimed water or treated effluent is finally discharged to a receiving water body.

Rec-d dictionary definition

Such suspended solids usually contribute directly to turbidity. Defined in waste management, these are small particles of solid pollutants that resist separation by conventional methods. Stage–the water level above some arbitrary point in the river and is commonly measured in feet. Septic tank–a tank used to detain domestic wastes to allow the settling of solids prior to distribution to a leach field for soil absorption. Septic tanks are used when a sewer line is not available to carry them to a treatment plant. A settling tank in which settled sludge is in immediate contact with sewage flowing through the tank, and wherein solids are decomposed by anaerobic bacterial action.


Streamflow–the water discharge that occurs in a natural channel. A more general term than runoff, streamflow may be applied to discharge whether or not it is affected by diversion or regulation. Seepage– The slow movement of water through small cracks, pores, Interstices, etc., of a material into or out of a body of surface or subsurface water. The loss of water by infiltration into the soil from a canal, ditches, laterals, watercourse, reservoir, storage facilities, or other body of water, or from a field. Irrigation water use–water application on lands to assist in the growing of crops and pastures or to maintain vegetative growth in recreational lands, such as parks and golf courses. Injection well–refers to a well constructed for the purpose of injecting treated wastewater directly into the ground. Wastewater is generally forced into the well for dispersal or storage into a designated aquifer.

What is the meaning of FVG in banking?

FVG stands for Financial Valuation Group.

Property pledged to secure a loan or debt, usually funds or personal property as distinguished from real property . 2) adj. referring to something that is going on at the same time parallel to the main issue in a lawsuit or controversy which … When more than one person or entity is sued in one lawsuit, each party sued is called a codefendant. Positive civil rights include the right to vote, the opp… An order of a court or government agency to a person, business or organization to stop doing something upon a strong showing that the activity is harmful and/or contrary to law. The order may be permanent or hold until a final judicial determination of legality occurs.

How to use recd. in a sentence

Xeriscaping–a method of landscaping that uses plants that are well adapted to the local area and are drought-resistant. Xeriscaping is becoming more popular as a way of saving water at home. Turbidity–the amount of solid particles that are suspended in water and that cause light rays shining through the water to scatter.

  • Impermeable layer–a layer of solid material, such as rock or clay, which does not allow water to pass through.
  • This is not the same as a pardon, which wipes out the conviction or the actual or potential charge …
  • “Casual laborer” carries the implication that the laborer does not belong to a union…
  • Usually a close corporation’s shareholders are involved in the actual operation of the bus…

Osmosis–the movement of water molecules through a thin membrane. The osmosis process occurs in our bodies and is also one method of desalinating saline water. Levee–a natural or manmade earthen barrier along the edge of a stream, lake, or river. Land alongside rivers can be protected from flooding by levees. Glacier–a huge mass of ice, formed on land by the compaction and recrystallization of snow, that moves very slowly downslope or outward due to its own weight. Gaging station–a site on a stream, lake, reservoir or other body of water where observations and hydrologic data are obtained.

This includes when an individual’s personal interests or concerns are inconsistent with the best for a customer, or when a public… V. to take one’s goods or property without legal right, although there may appear to be some lawful basis. In the case of a government seizing property, it may include taking without the just compensation as guaranteed by the Constitution. There are some acts of legal confiscation, such as taking an… A judge’s final decision on a question of law which has been raised in a trial or a court hearing, particularly those issues which are vital to reaching a statement. These may be presented orally by the judge in open court, but are often contained in a written judgment in support of his/her judgm… In a trial, the final result of an analysis of the facts presented in evidence, made by the trier of fact .

Is accept a noun or verb?

Definition of accept

transitive verb. 1a : to receive (something offered) willingly accept a gift. b : to be able or designed to take or hold (something applied or added) a surface that will not accept ink. 2 : to give admittance or approval to accept her as one of the group.

In many instances the activ… Suspended sediment–very fine soil particles that remain in suspension in water for a considerable period of time without contact with the bottom. Such material remains in suspension due to the upward components of turbulence and currents and/or by suspension. Specific conductance can be used for approximating the total dissolved solids content of water by testing its capacity to carry an electrical current. A higher specific conductance in water drawn from downgradient wells when compared to upgradient wells indicates possible contamination from the facility. Return flow –irrigation water that is applied to an area and which is not consumed in evaporation or transpiration and returns to a surface stream or aquifer. Groundwater– water that flows or seeps downward and saturates soil or rock, supplying springs and wells.

Words near rec-d in the Dictionary

This treatment removes floating and settleable solids and about 90 percent of the oxygen-demanding substances and suspended solids. Disinfection is the final stage of secondary treatment. The first document filed with the court by a person or entity claiming legal rights against another. The party filing the complaint is usually called the plaintiff and the party against whom the complaint is filed is called the defendant or d… An agreement between the party suing in a lawsuit and another person, usually an attorney, who agrees to finance and carry the lawsuit in return for a percentage of the recovery . In common law this was illegal on the theory that it encouraged lawsuits. Today it is…

Rec-d dictionary definition

A draft upon a particular account in a bank, in which the drawer or maker directs the bank to pay a certain amount to the payee (which may include the drawer, “cash,” or someone else). Other checks include cashier’s checks issued by the bank fo… 1) in general the sentiment of benevolence, doing good works, assisting the less fortunate, philanthropy and contributing to the general public.


Any criminal charge which is punishable by the death penalty, called “capital” since the defendant could lose his/her head . Crimes punishable by death vary from state to state and country to country.

  • Under drought conditions, higher priority users are satisfied before junior users receive water.
  • Disinfection is the final stage of secondary treatment.
  • Thermal pollution–a reduction in water quality caused by increasing its temperature, often due to disposal of waste heat from industrial or power generation processes.
  • A document issued by a bank in return for a deposit of money which pays a fixed interest rate for a specified period .
  • The traditional unwritten law of England, based on custom and usage, which began to develop over a thousand years before the founding of the United States.
  • Chains of title include notations of deeds, judgments of distribution from estates, certificates of death of a joint tenant, foreclosures, judgments of quiet title (lawsuit t…